File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 lc-addrlabels.hImplementation of local continuations based on the "Labels as values" feature of gcc
 lc-switch.hImplementation of local continuations based on switch() statement
 lc.hLocal continuations
 oc_api.hMain API of IoTivity-Lite for client and server
 oc_atomic.hPlatform-specific C implementation of atomic variables
 oc_build_info.hLibrary and OCF version information
 oc_compiler.hCompiler-specific features
 oc_features.hCompile time features
 oc_introspection.hFunctions for introspection
 oc_log.hOCF public log functions
 oc_obt.hCollection of functions to onboard and provision clients and servers
 oc_pki.hOCF public key infrastructure (PKI) functions
 oc_poll_loop.hDefault implementation of the main loop using poll
 oc_sp.hOCF security profiles
 oc_uuid.hGenerate and work with UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122
 plgd_dps.hDevice provisioning
 plgd_time.hTime synchronization from an external endpoint
 pt-sem.hCounting semaphores implemented on protothreads
 pt.hProtothreads implementation